Stacy Witbeck California CSLB #414305,2800 Harbor Bay Parkway
Alameda, CA 94502

October 2, 2023

Brightline Trains Officially Arrive in Orlando!

Brightline Trains Officially Arrive in Orlando!

That's the end of the line, folks! Brightline officially launched their luxury rail service to Orlando. This is a huge milestone for transportation in Florida and we congratulate the entire team for this achievement! Together, we're laying down the tracks for progress, one rail at a time. 

Brightline Zone 3 & 4 by the numbers:

  • 28 Bridges
  • 9 ATC Cutovers
  • 155 Crossings
  • 415 Signal Houses
  • 37 Signal Bridge & Cantilever Structures
  • 572 Signal Heads
  • 151 Turnouts
  • 85 Miles of track consuming over 1.53 million tons of ballast