Stacy Witbeck California CSLB #414305,2800 Harbor Bay Parkway
Alameda, CA 94502

Sustainable construction practices drive innovation, deliver cost savings, and enhance the overall quality of our projects.

At Stacy Witbeck, we recognize the importance of sustainability efforts in the construction industry. With a commitment to environmental responsibility, we actively work alongside our clients from the initial planning stage and throughout the entire process to incorporate sustainable elements into the design and implement them in the construction process.

Our approach to sustainability begins at the project's inception, where we collaborate closely with our clients to establish sustainability goals and objectives. We work with them to identify opportunities for incorporating sustainable design principles that align with their vision and meet their specific requirements. Whether utilizing energy-efficient technologies, implementing renewable energy sources, or optimizing resource management strategies, we aim to integrate sustainable solutions into our project designs.

As a part of our commitment to sustainable construction practices, we have a dedicated Sustainability Committee that is focused on interrogating our corporate sustainability practices in order to continually improve our processes.

Key Sustainability Initiative Achievements

  • 1st contractor to sign APTA's Climate Pledge 
  • Worked with the Green Buildings Initiative to pilot programs in Alameda, California; Utah; and Portland, Oregon
  • Successfully partnered with clients to achieve LEED certifications for the eBART Extension and Maintenance Facility in the San Francisco Bay Area and the LEED Gold certification on the First Hill Streetcar Maintenance Facility
  • Member of the Green Business Bureau
  • Worked with agencies to achieve Envision Platinum ratings for the Downtown Redmond Link Extension project in Washington, the Kansas City Streetcar in Missouri, and the Sixth Street Viaduct Project in Los Angeles

"We believe that sustainable construction practices are not only the right thing to do, but they also drive innovation, deliver cost savings, and enhance the overall quality of our projects. And, we’re proud of the lasting impact our projects have on creating a more sustainable future.”

Jim Abramson, COO, Large Projects