Stacy Witbeck California CSLB #414305,2800 Harbor Bay Parkway
Alameda, CA 94502

About the Project

This project includes constructing a higher-speed rail system from West Palm Beach to the Orlando International Airport. As part of a joint venture, our team was the prime contractor for Zone 4, which runs from West Palm Beach to Cocoa. Zone 4 includes 130 miles of new track construction and track rehabilitation, relocation of a fiber optic system, a new signal system, crossing signal protection, and 28 bridges. 

Quick Facts


West Palm Beach to Cocoa, FL

Project Type

Commuter Rail, Bridges and Highways

Delivery Method

Best Value

Date Completed


Project Owner


Subsidiary Involvement

Modern Railway Systems




"The CPUC and the FTA referred to the Mid-Coast project from design to construction and operations, as a new standard for the industry in a number of categories."

Chief Operating Officer, San Diego MTS