Stacy Witbeck California CSLB #414305,2800 Harbor Bay Parkway
Alameda, CA 94502

About the Project

This $158 million CM/GC project consisted of a 3.5-mile single-track loop for a light rail extension through downtown Portland. The alignment is in-street running with shared bus and vehicular traffic. 

Scope included at-grade embedded trackwork, modifications to an existing 100-year-old Union Pacific bridge structure, 12 station platforms, new bus stops, major roadway reconstruction, extensive utility work, walls, traffic signals, landscaping, public art, electrical work, traction power, overhead catenary system, communications, and testing and commissioning.

Project Awards:

National Association of Minority Contractors of Oregon (NAMCO) General Contractor of the Year

NAMCO Award for Leadership in Transportation Justice, Innovation and Excellence

Oregon Building Congress - Union Contractor of the Year 

Daily Journal of Commerce Top Projects 

Quick Facts


Portland, OR

Project Type

Light Rail

Delivery Method


Date Completed


Project Owner

Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District of Oregon (TriMet)




"I want to extend my appreciation for Stacy Witbeck's efforts in achieving substantial completion of the Steel Bridge Connection ahead of schedule. This was a very complex piece of work at the heart of the MAX system, and the performance of your construction team was exceptional. It is truly a pleasure to work with such a professional team."

Resident Engineer, TriMet